Submitted by:
Claudia Goodin Chair
Linda Maddox Member
Lori Yount Member
I wanted to make you aware of changes that were voted on and approved at our annual convention held in July. These changes needed to be made to cut our expenses so that we can remain financially stable.
The Legionette will be going to an online version. It will be on our ALA website dptmoala.org and will also be sent in an email blast to all members for whom we have an email address. If you cannot access the Legionette, please let the Department know; they will print a copy and snail mail it to you. The units should gather members' email addresses and forward them to the Department office.
Convention and Conference Expenses
We amended Standing Rule 28 Section a) (page 81) to read “Department Conference – round trip mileage will be allowed for Executive Committee Members, Appointed Officers, Department Color Bearers, Department Pages, and Department Chairman. No per diem will be allowed”. This change to be effective with the Fall Conference in October of 2023.
We amended Standing Rule 28 Section b) (page 81) to read “Department Convention – round trip mileage will be allowed for Executive Committee members, Appointed Officers, Department Color Bearers, Department Pages and those appointed for special Convention duties. No per diem will be allowed”. This change to be effective with the 2024 Annual Convention.
We amended Constitution Article IX – Finance Section 6. To read “Department Executive Committee Members shall be allowed authorized expenses while in attendance at Department Executive Committee Meetings and Department Conventions.”
We amended Standing Rule 5 Section 7. to read “A fee of $20 shall be paid by delegates, alternates and visitors registering at Department Convention.” to be effective at our 2024 Department Convention.
We amended Standing Rule 19 Conference: to read “A conference for all members of the American Legion Auxiliary shall be held in connection with the Fall meeting of the Department Executive Committee meeting. Those who attend shall pay a registration fee of $20.
Cost of Poppies
We changed the paragraph addressing the cost of poppies under EXPLANATION OF FUNDS- Poppy (page 40) to read “Cost of Memorial Poppies $200 per thousand, 750- $150, 500 to $100, 300-$60, 200-$40, 100-$20, 50- $10. Refer to Poppy Form for Postage Cost. Mail all orders direct to Department Headquarters, 600 Ellis Blvd, Jefferson City, Missouri 65101-2204.”
We amended Standing Rule 21. Finance Section c) to “The veterans and others who are employed in making poppies shall be paid 5 cents per poppy.
Finance- Dues Increase
We amended Standing Rule 21. FINANCE Section e. (page 78) to read “The Department per capita dues shall be $35.00 for Senior members per annum and $4.25 for Junior members per annum to which shall include to Senior members a subscription to the National American Legion Auxiliary publication. The Department shall remit the National per capita dues promptly to the National Treasurer.”
Please understand membership has been declining every year. This is a huge part of our bottom line. We had 9449 members in the 2019-2020 membership year. This membership year ended with 7754 members. That is about an 8½ % decrease. The last time we had an increase in dues on the Department level was in 2017. A vote was taken from the delegates at the convention, and it passed that we increase the Department portion of our dues by $6 which would take effect in the 2024-2025 membership year. With a $6 increase, the unit would send $35 to the Department. Of which Department would keep $17 and National would be sent $18. The Executive committee recommended that this pass. Again, this will not be in effect until the 2025 Membership year. Units, please discuss a dues increase in your unit to cover the increases.