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American Legion, Department of Missouri Adjutant to be inducted into Missouri Veterans Hall of Fame

Sam Reeves

The Missouri Veterans Hall of Fame will induct 6 new members on Friday, Oct. 27 at the Missouri State Capital Rotunda. Among the esteemed new members, is The American Legion Family's own Lowry A. Finley-Jackson.

Finley-Jackson, a St. Louis native, joined the Army in Nov. 1981, where she served until Feb. 2002. During her 20-year military career, she spent three tours in Korea, one tour in Europe, and had many state-side assignments. Her duties included personnel specialist and career counselor. She received three Meritorious Service medals, seven Army Commendation medals, Eight Army Achievement medals, seven Good Conduct medals, and the National Defense Ribbon.

While serving in the Army, Finley-Jackson took full advantage of her educational benefits, obtaining a bachelor's degree in governmental studies from Western Illinois University, a master's degree in management and, a master's degree in human resource development from Webster University.

Upon retirement from the Army, she was employed as a local veterans employment representative with the Georgia Department of Labor until her return to St. Louis in 2005. Finley-Jackson spent her citizen career serving veterans, ultimately becoming department adjutant for the American Legion, Department of Missouri in 2013, a position she still holds today.

Finley-Jackson joined the American Legion in 2007 after attending an Armed Forces Day celebration. She quickly became active in the four pillars of the American Legion. She has held many leadership positions in St. Louis Service Women's Post 404 including: 1st vice and post commander where she lead the post to its highest membership of 270 women. She has also served as district senior vice commander for the 11/12th district.

She is a graduate of the American Legion College class of 2010 and a 2011 gold brigadier. She has served on the National 100th Anniversary Committee as well as the 21st Ad Hoc Committee. She is a member of ANAVICUS and Ye Steivos.

Lowry Finley-Jackson is married to Albert Jackson who is also an active member of the American Legion. They have four children and six grandchildren.

Congratulations Lowry A. Finley-Jackson on your induction into the Missouri Veterans Hall of Fame.

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