Dear Central Division Chairs,
My Holiday wish to you.
Now that our first ZOOM Meeting and our Fall Conferences are behind us, complete with Power Points, displays and all manners of dissimilation of information, you have done an excellent job informing auxiliary members of The American Legion’s Legislative Priorities along with web sites to access methods of requesting support of this agenda. Take time now to follow up with district and/or county presidents and encourage they share this information with their department’s grass roots members. Details on The American Legion’s Legislative Agenda are available at
Now more than ever the need for congressional support should be prevalent to all with our military men and women deployed around the world amid hostilities and global threats of conflicts. What better gift of caring than to show support of our veterans, current military men and women and their families than to encourage our elected congressional leaders to support and pass legislation that will ensure their needs and benefits are met now and in the future.
As we prepare for the upcoming holiday season set aside a few moments to support The American Legion’s Legislative Agenda and reach out to your congressional leader. Recently the Missouri ALA President came across her congressperson in the parking lot of a Casesy’s and yes, a conversation ensued. You never know when the opportunity may present itself to speak on the behalf of our veterans, military men and women and their families. Always take advantage of opportunities when presented to promote the American Legion Auxiliary and its mission of service, not self.
Thank you for all you do.
Cathie Goth, American Legion Auxiliary - 2023-2024 National Legislative Committee
Central Division - Department of Missouri
Phone: 660-351-1816 - Email: